Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Lost my phone and have been in bed the last 2 days!

Well, my title pretty much says it all.  On Monday I woke up really late, and headed out to work, at Gobo, super rushed.  I was planning on going to ballet class that morning (that starts at 9), but woke up way too late.  I'm supposed to be at work by 11, but I didn't wake up until 10:25!  Bad news, since I live on the West Side and I work on the East side, therefore requiring me to take the crosstown bus to work.  

I was getting ready, saw my phone lying on my bed, having charged it the night before, and I remember picking it up.  On my way to work, I reached in my purse for my phone, but it was nowhere to be found, not in my jacket, nor my purse.  I thought that I had left it on my dresser or something that morning, but when I got home from work it was nowhere to be found.  This was Monday, and now it's Wednesday night.  I can't find it anywhere.  The weird thing is that I charged it the night before, but I had a few people call it, and it was dead when I got home.  So, I either dropped it somewhere and the battery came out, or someone stole it and took the battery out.  I don't see how that would have happened, though.  In any case, I can't find it!

To top it off, I'm ill.  I have the worst flu/cold/horrible sickness ever.  I've been in bed the last two days and can't do anything.  Hopefully I'll start getting better soon.  

I'm going back to sleep.

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